We Currently Operate In The Following:
| Balochistan | Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Punjab | Sindh
Our Masjid Projects
Sadly, not every Muslim community is fortunate enough to have access to a nearby Masjid with all the necessary facilities and amenities.
Muazzam Foundation is on a mission to change that, as we work in remote, isolated, and impoverished communities providing access to their very own Masjid. With your generous donation and ongoing support, we can continue to build new Masajids alongside renovating existing buildings, bring lasting change to a hifz student, purchase educational books and Quran copies, and refresh prayer mat (musallah) space.
By donating to our Masjid projects, you will not only earn the reward of providing our brothers and sisters a blessed house of Allah (swt), but ensuring they can experience the joy of worship and community that a Masjid can bring. Your Sadaqah Jariyah will continue giving benefits for generations to come In’sha’Allah.
Whether you donate a Musallah or brick to help build a Masjid, please know that all of the beneficiaries make dua for those who have contributed. You will be rewarded for every word recited. Contribute towards our Masjid Projects now and gain countless rewards in the Hereafter.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘Whoever builds a house for Allah, Allah will build for him a house like it in Paradise.’ (Bukhari)
How You Can Make A Difference
Build A Masjid
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Help build a house of Allah in impoverished and developing communities to stand as a physical example of our faith. A Masjid will provide so much more than a simple house of worship, it is a precious sanctuary providing a place for individual enlightenment, education, and moral guidance. The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) even helped in the construction of the first Masjid in Medina, as it was part of his will to define a place of worship for Muslims everywhere.
Renovate A Masjid
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Sadly, some Masajids over the years aren’t well looked after or are destroyed by natural disasters. We also renovate existing Masajids, providing valuable new facilities and amenities that benefit the entire community. Your donation will be used to renovate different areas of the Masjid; building, wudu facilities, fixtures and lighting within the prayer hall, library services, and madrasah equipment.
Donate A Brick
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Donate a brick in your name or a loved one today and gain immense rewards for this simple act of Sadaqah Jariyah. Your donation will help build the Mosque foundations & walls.
Donate just £50 and we’ll team you up with other supporters doing the same. Together you will build an entire Masjid, and we will send you a full feedback report upon completion.
Even donating towards 1 Brick will build your Palace in Jannah In’sha’Allah.
Masjid Library
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There are many communities deprived of facilities provided within a Masjid, with no access to educational books and even the Quran. Donate towards Masjid libraries to provide educational books and Quran copies for the entire community and students’ learning.
Prayer Space (Musallah)
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Donate a prayer space (Musallah) in your name or a loved one. This Sadaqah Jariyah will reward you long after you have gone each time someone prays on this space – the perfect investment for the hereafter.
Sponsor Hifz Student
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“ The Prophet peace and blessings be upon said: “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” [Bukhari]”
Your Hifz Sponsorship is more than an act of charity; it’s an investment in a child’s well-being, intellect, and their future. By sponsoring a vulnerable child, you allow them to thrive and grow into guardians of the Qur’an, and future leaders of their community. A quality hifz education helps develop a close connection to the Qur’an, and our programme also ensures children receive a fundamental, mainstream education, helping children to thrive in both deen and dunya.
Sponsor A Teacher/Alim
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Teachers hold such importance, leading figures for the next generation, help us educate the ummah and leave a lasting legacy. Sadly, many teachers come from poor family backgrounds and teaching is their only source of income. By sponsoring a teacher, your donation can pay for their salaries and ensure their livelihood is met.